Passionate about creating innovative learning experiences and environments for students, teachers, and communities.


Former 8th Grade Science teacher turned Educational Innovations Specialist.

Passionate about helping educators create engaging experiences for students.

Currently Direct of Innovation at Fluxspace.

Assisting schools with creating Makerspaces, Redesigning Learning Spaces, STEAM Integration, and exploring innovative best instrucitonal practices.

  • Keystone Technology Innovator (KTI) 2014
  • Raspberry Pi Certified Educator
  • STEM Camp EDU Founding Team Member
  • PETE&C Presenter
  • ISTE Presenter


  • Maker Ed
  • STEM/STEAM K-12 Integration
  • Creating and Utilizing Makerspaces
  • Maker Ed/ Maker Movement
  • Flexible Learning Spaces
  • Computer Science (CS)
  • Design Thinking

Training. Workshops. Consults. Keynotes. Professional Development in…

Educational Technology

Create innovative experiences leveraging the latest in educational technology to promote student engagement and learning.

K-12 STEAM Integration

More than an acronym STEAM is a movement. Engage staff and students in hands-on creative experiences focused on creativity, collaboration, critical and computational thinking.

Learning Environments

Innovative experiences leveraging the latest in educational technology to promote student engagement and learning.